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Design Territories
Quickly and easily design, create and manage your congregation's territories
Manage Assignments
Assign, return and manage territory assignments from anywhere
Get turn by turn directions to your territories, as well as other map services
Cloud Hosted
Data is securely stored in cloud services for fast and reliable access
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Territory Helper is a web application designed to help Jehovah's Witnesses with their congregation's territories.

Design, create, manage, graph and explore your congregation's territories.

Interested in seeing a little of what Territory Helper can do? Go check out the live demo!

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Mobile App

Mobile App

Territory Helper has a companion application to the Territory Helper website. It allows publishers to view and manage their territory assignments, campaign assignments and their field service group assignments.


Not everyone speaks the same language, nor can everyone speak more than one language. That's why multi-language support is essential to Territory Helper.

We are looking for help to bring the application to your mother tounge! Maybe you can lend a helping hand so others can use this application in your language?


For desktop, mobile, or anything with a browser

Whether you're at home, the kingdom hall, or even in the territory, Territory Helper can be used anywhere.
Log Book

Log Book

development notes Trello @territoryhelper

Persistent Send Publisher Assignment Mail

The option to send a publisher their territory assignment by email is now persistent for the specific device.

Toggleable Open In App

The message to open a territory in the mobile app is now toggleable in the congregation settings.

Assignments Include Campaign Assignments

Campaign assignments are included in the assignments page if campaign assignments are to be included in statistics.

Road Name Visibility

Road names are larger and clearer for all MapTiler maps.

Searchable Help Center

The Help Center and its documentation is now searchable.

Here v3 Maps

Now using the Here v3 maps for both hybrid and satellite views.

Territory Helper App for Android

The Territory Mobile App has been released for Android on the Google Play Store.

Map Controls Redesign

Map controls have been redesigned for an improved layout on mobile devices.

Territory Tags Added to Export

Territory tags have been added to the territory excel export.

Territory Helper Mobile App

The Territory Mobile App has been released on the Apple App Store for iOS.

Locations Optimization

Locations view has been rewritten to be optimized towards congregations with very large numbers of locations and retain minimal load times.

Mobile App Documentation

Documentation to the mobile application has been added to the Help Center.

Added Mapbox

Added Mapbox streets and satellite as a map provider.

Location Selection

Added interaction to select and scroll to locations in location list and map for improved usability.

Territory Overview Button

The territory overview button allows the map to quickly and easily be centered on the screen.