
Centar za pomoć

Pregledaj sadržaje u Centru za pomoć da bi naučio kako se služiti aplikacijom Territory Helper i kako na nabolji način iskoristiti sve što ona nudi.

Izradi mjesto

Creating a Location is done on the Territory Edit page.

Switch to edit mode, if you are not sure how to do this check out the View and Edit Basics guide.

A Location can be created a number of different ways. Two common practices is to use the search functionality or to use the draw tool.

Creating With the Draw Tool

The draw tool has a variety of different location types. They are used the same way as the territory tool, simply select the tool you wish to use as shown in the image below and then click on the map where you would like the location marker.

Creating Using the Search

The search functionality can also be used to create a Location. Simply right-click (or ctrl+click) on the search marker and create the Location of choice as shown in the image below.


Once you have selected what you would like to create, a creation dialog will appear allowing you to fill in information about the Location. An example of the dialog is shown in the image below.
The address related fields are automatically filled in by reverse geocoding the coordinates provided. At times the address may not be as expected or incorrect so it is important to read over the fields carefully.

Clicking the save button will save your Location to the map, similar to the Location depicted in the image below.
For more information about the properties of Locations take a look at the Properties guide.