
Centar za pomoć

Pregledaj sadržaje u Centru za pomoć da bi naučio kako se služiti aplikacijom Territory Helper i kako na nabolji način iskoristiti sve što ona nudi.

Ispiši na PDF

At times a PDF of the territory is required rather than a paper print or using the digital version of the territory.

All modern browsers have the ability to print straight to PDF format. Simply print as you normally would and follow the appropriate directions below depending on your browser.

Google Chrome

Click the print button and choose your print destination. A destination dialog will appear where Print to PDF can be selected as shown below.


Printing in Firefox requires a 3rd party print to PDF dependancy. One recommended plug-in is PDF Creator. Regardless of which plug-in you choose it does need to be downloaded and installed before printing in Firefox.

Once the plug-in is installed simply print and select PDF creator as shown below.

Internet Explorer

Printing in IE requires a 3rd party print to PDF dependancy. One recommended plug-in is PDF Creator. Regardless of which plug-in you choose it does need to be downloaded and installed before printing in IE.

Once the plug-in is installed simply print and select PDF creator as shown below.