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Importa territori

Territories can be imported from a KML or KMZ file. These file formats are typically used to store geographic data for Google Earth or Google Maps.

Importing territories is done on the Territories page. Switch to edit mode, if you are not sure how to do this check out the View and Edit Basics guide.

While in edit mode click the import button as shown in the image below.
A dialog will appear in which you can select the KML or KMZ file containing your territory data, as depicted below.
Once you have selected the file you would like to import, simply confirm and the import will begin.

As soon as the import is complete a list of all the imported territory information will be displayed. Green indicates a successful import and red indicates an error occurred when attempting to import that specific territory. The results will also display what the imported territory was renamed to. The results will appear similar as to the example shown below.
Now all of the imported territories will automatically be created within their own Territory Type where they can be organized and managed as normal territories. The imported territories will be found at the top of the territory types list as shown in the image below.
For more information on organizing and managing territories take a look at the Territory Properties guide.