
Centar za pomoć

Pregledaj sadržaje u Centru za pomoć da bi naučio kako se služiti aplikacijom Territory Helper i kako na nabolji način iskoristiti sve što ona nudi.

Uredi i izbriši crteže

The look and feel of your drawings can be changed at anytime, as well as removed all together.

Editing or deleting a drawing is done on the Territory Edit Details page. Switch to edit mode (if you are not sure how to do this check out the View and Edit Basics guide).

Selecting and Editing

While in edit mode simply click on your drawing. Your drawing will now be selected and able to be edited, it will look similar to the image below.
Drag the nodes to the desired location as shown in the image below.
All changes made to the drawing are automatically saved.

Editing Polylines and Polygons

Existing points can be moved or added for polygons and polylines.

You can also add points by clicking and dragging on the semi-transparent nodes as shown in the image below.


Right-clicking (or ctrl+click) on the drawing will open it's context menu as shown in the image below.
Simply click the delete menu item to delete the drawing.