
Centar za pomoć

Pregledaj sadržaje u Centru za pomoć da bi naučio kako se služiti aplikacijom Territory Helper i kako na nabolji način iskoristiti sve što ona nudi.

Stvorite pravokutnik

Rectangles are a quick and easy way to mark out areas on your maps.

Creating a rectangle is done on the Territory Edit Details page. Switch to edit mode (if you are not sure how to do this check out the View and Edit Basics guide).

Creating With the Draw Tool

Simply select the rectangle tool as shown in the image below and then click on the map where you would like to start drawing the rectangle.
Click once again on the map where you would like to set the boundary of the rectangle as shown in the image below.


Once the boundary of the rectangle has been completed you will be able to adjust various properties of the rectangle through the creation dialog. After adjusting the properties, click on the save button to complete the rectangle and place it on the map as shown in the image below. For more information about the fields within the creation dialog take a look at the Properties guide.