
Centar za pomoć

Pregledaj sadržaje u Centru za pomoć da bi naučio kako se služiti aplikacijom Territory Helper i kako na nabolji način iskoristiti sve što ona nudi.

Podržane aplikacije

Territory Helper pruža opsežan API i tako omogućuje aplikacijama integraciju s platformom aplikacije Territory Helper. Integracija omogućuje objaviteljima da se služe svojim omiljenim aplikacijama te da one neometano rade uz Territory Helper.

Ispod je naveden popis trenutačno poznatih i objavljenih aplikacija.


Ministry Assistant
A help for Jehovah's Witnesses in their field service to quickly take notes and stay organized. It's very easy to keep track of your territories, all your return visits, your service time for the month and plan your day or week of door to door ministry.
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Ministry Helper
Ministry Helper is an app for Jehovah's Witnesses that will help you in the preaching work of the good news.

Apple iOS

Service Planner
ServicePlanner makes it easy to manage your calls and report your ministry hours and activity. It focuses on planning and organising your ministry, with support for return visit scheduling, witnessing partners, workflow rules, and visibility via calendars and a Today screen. Automated backup and sync means you can switch devices as required.
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Ministry Helper
Ministry Helper is an app for Jehovah's Witnesses that will help you in the preaching work of the good news. It has never been easier to be organized in the service!