

Raadpleeg het Helpcentrum om je op weg te helpen en om te leren hoe je Territory Helper nog beter kunt gebruiken.

Maak een gebied type

Territory types are an excellent way to organize your territories. Often times a congregation will name their territory types by the type of area territories reside, similar to what is done in the Demo. Other congregation's will create a territory type for each locality their territories reside. Territory types are flexible and can be used in whatever way your congregation prefers.

Territory types are created on the Territories page. Switch to edit mode, if you are not sure how to do this check out the Bekijk en Bewerk - Grondbeginselen guide.

Simply click on the create type button as shown in the image below.
Write the name of your territory type and click the save button. Your territory type has been created and ready to assign territories to. The territory type will appear in the left hand navigation as depicted in the image below.
For more information about editing the territory type read the Edit and Delete guide.