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Design Territories
Quickly and easily design, create and manage your congregation's territories
Manage Assignments
Assign, return and manage territory assignments from anywhere
Get turn by turn directions to your territories, as well as other map services
Cloud Hosted
Data is securely stored in cloud services for fast and reliable access
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Territory Helper is a web application designed to help Jehovah's Witnesses with their congregation's territories.

Design, create, manage, graph and explore your congregation's territories.

Interested in seeing a little of what Territory Helper can do? Go check out the live demo!

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Mobile App

Mobile App

Territory Helper has a companion application to the Territory Helper website. It allows publishers to view and manage their territory assignments, campaign assignments and their field service group assignments.


Not everyone speaks the same language, nor can everyone speak more than one language. That's why multi-language support is essential to Territory Helper.

We are looking for help to bring the application to your mother tounge! Maybe you can lend a helping hand so others can use this application in your language?


For desktop, mobile, or anything with a browser

Whether you're at home, the kingdom hall, or even in the territory, Territory Helper can be used anywhere.
Log Book

Log Book

development notes Trello

Composite Statistics

Added territory statistics to campaign and territory composite REST API calls.

Location Coloring

Reworking location colors to allow coloring of visit status.

Unsaved Notes

Added a confirmation to indicate unsaved changes for territory notes.

Page Print

Improving general page printing.

Customizable S13

The S13 can be customized to include campaign assignments and exclude territories not included in assignments. Additional all relevant service years are now available for export.

Overdue Messages for Service Groups

Allow overdue messages to be sent to overseers and servants when a territory assignment is overdue for a service group.

API Usage Documentation

The API usage documentation has been completely rewritten to OpenAPI specifications.

Service Group API Calls

Added POST, PUT and DELETE calls to the service group API.

Improving Dashboard Graphs

Improving all dashboard graphs for improved readability.

Territory Type API Calls

Added POST, PUT and DELETE calls to territory type API.

Pending Approval Assignment Status

Territories in the pending approval notes section of the notification page indicates it's assignment status for administrators to easily determine if the territory has been returned or currently being worked on.

Collapsible Dashboard Lists

Dashboard lists can now be collapsed for improved usability and quick access to lists.

Additional Dashboard Options

Added dashboard grouping, statistic range and days overdue into the dashboard edit dialog.

Dashboard Campaigns

Created the current campaigns listing on the dashboard for quick and easy campaign management.

Splitting Territories Documentation

Documentation has been added for splitting a territory.